OMG, I wrote over 7K yesterday then the final 1,200 to go past 50,000 words.
Sleep Data, sleep.
Finally past 25K words just a little later than I had hoped for. Almost finished writing the final chapter then going back to the middle somewhere.
I saw New Moon with a group of friends that got a theater for ourselves for the midnight showing. That's my treat for myself for actually getting past 20K.
This year's a little more difficult. My work schedule's been more crazy than past years and the freaking Nor'ester wasn't fun.
A few days more til the end of this crazy writing marathon. Good luck to everyone!
He's my motivator. When I originally visualized Travis, I used Dr. Samuel Beckett as a visual guide, but I picked the wrong person. Travis acts more like Jack Bauer than Sam. Bye bye Sam, hello Jack. Great motivator isn't he? :-D
My little plot bunny named Krycek locked my muse in a silo. I'm pretty sure she'll be okay for a while. Well, now I've got a little researching to do because Krycek said to write in a vision quest and a predator-prey ballet of death for the opening scene. Did the research on the ballet which killed my writing time, but now I've got a higher word count.
I've found the perfect music for Travis from Seawolf's "White Water, White Bloom" CD: Spirit Horse and Turn The Dirt Over. I like the lyrical feel. It's like riding a gentle wave with soothing rhythm.
I tend to listen to soundtracks when I write. It's more fun to write an action scene while listening to Wanted, 24, 300 and Burn Notice. For more emotional scenes I'm listening to Madonna's The Power of Goodbye, Enrique Iglesias' Hero, Somebody's Me, Nunca Te Olvidaré and Rob Thomas' Ever The Same.
Writing is slow right now. I've had a long work week. Time to catch up. My wordcount is on the right sidebar. 1,576 words.